Phoenix Boring technology

The ADB48 is the first fully electric-powered trenchless multi-platform

Phoenix has the first remote controlled electric-powered trenchless multi-platform capable of boring utility tunnels in all geologies, at a variety of diameters, providing the cheapest, fastest, and greenest tunneling service in the utility construction market. 

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The Multi-Platform

The Multi-Platform ADB48 handles the unexpected

Our Platform is a single modular trenchless equipment that can address all geologies, at a range of diameters. Because of our flexible design, we're able to provide a vastly simpler, more mobilizable and cheaper service to general contractors and project owners.

Because we can bore through all geologies, our goal is to eliminate change orders. This can only be achieved because of our  our innovation: one machine to rule them all.

The mULTI-Platform Frame
Phoenix boring'S Jet BoreTM module IS THE FIRST OF ITS KIND

Groundbreaking innovation to blast rock without touching it

Phoenix's semi-autonomous non-contact tunneling robot utilizes a thermal drilling method that minimizes surface disruption while dramatically lowering the cost of boring hard rock. The hard rock module is inserted into the Multi-Platform to bore the hardest geologies - like 44,000 PSI Sioux Quartzite - faster and more reliably than conventional methods. When combined with the other modules in the Multi-Platform, we can uniquely excavate all geologies, even the most difficult ones.


Flexible enough to be powered electrically, with the local grid or a clean diesel gen-set or conventional diesel generator

We started Phoenix Boring to protect communities from the effects of a changing climate. While it's not always possible to deliver clean energy to the most remote parts of the world, we wanted to design a trenchless system that had the flexibility to be powered by either clean energy or conventional diesel.

- 6/7 modules can be powered electrically (All but our thermal spallation based module for hard rock)
- Our hard rock module can use Propel clean diesel, yielding 66% reduction in GHG emissions
- Our hard rock module focuses nearly all thermal energy for boring, and is therefore highly fuel efficient. It is remotely operated from a control panel hundreds of feet away.

THE MANY Benefits driven by our innovation
Up to 6x faster in difficult geologies

When boring through hard geologies, Phoenix Boring outperforms other methods, especially in hard abrasive rock.

Up to 90% cheaper than conventional

When conventional machines encounter difficult geologies, expensive "change orders" ensue. Phoenix Boring's systems shine when boring through difficult geologies and can up to 90% cheaper in the grounds no one else likes.

Normalized pricing in all geologies

Delivering overall lower projects costs.
No change orders because we can get through all geologies.

Greenest trenchless machine

Unlike other conventional systems, there are no emissions in the pit. Ever. In fact, the Multi-Platform is the first hybrid-powered multi-tool on the market.

minutes to swap modules

Instead of taking hours-to-days to swap in other conventional boring machines/methods.

1 machine, many modules, endless applications

The Multi-Platform is modular by design and has six modules, each of which replace an entire trenchless machine.

Small footprint

The entire system ships in a 40-ft flatbed truck and its footprint is small enough to be deployed on small streets.

Millimeter installation precision

Phoenix's simplified and integrated piloting module can ensure millimeter accuracy when installing pipeline.

Multiple safety features

The Multi-Platform has multiple industry leading safety features like  anti-rollover protection and safe muck-handling.

Smaller shaft sizes

Our footprint is smaller than conventional machines leading to smaller shafts, and greater cost savings.

Pit flood protection

System is fully sealed and water-tight with an out-of-pit power pack.

Workstation for jobsite productivity

The Multi-Platform fits within a proprietary containerized workstation to easily mobilize and increase productivity.

safety features

Protecting our greatest asset: our crews

Safety is in our DNA. We know that crews are the most important asset on the job and so everything we build is designed to put safety first. From anti-rollover protection to safe muck-handling to emission-less pits to remote out-of-pit steering, the Multi-Platform is one of the safest trenchless solution on the job site.


Our thoughts on all things

Introducing the Multi-Platform ADB48: The World’s First Hybrid Powered All-Geology Trenchless Multi-tool
April 3, 2023
Introducing the Multi-Platform ADB48: The World’s First Hybrid Powered All-Geology Trenchless Multi-tool

This blog post introduces the Multi-Platform, the worlds first all-in-one trenchless solution capable of boring through all geologies using multiple boring modules using green power. This modular, flexible system revolutionizes underground utility construction, offering six boring methods or modules (two of them proprietary) embedded in just one machine, for various ground conditions.

What is the difference between “trenchless tunneling” and “tunneling”, anyway?
March 2, 2023
What is the difference between “trenchless tunneling” and “tunneling”, anyway?

Trenchless technology and tunneling technology are often used interchangeably, but they have very different applications and require different construction technologies. We describe these differences between trenchless and tunneling in this post.

Trenchless 101: The History of Trenchless Technology
February 17, 2023
Trenchless 101: The History of Trenchless Technology

Trenchless tunneling technology has been a game changer for utilities, allowing them to be installed quickly and cheaply, even in complex urban environments. In this blog post we delve into the history of trenchless tunneling technology, which goes as far back as the early 19th century.

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